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Village of Wittenberg Residents

For Hazardous Waste disposal - call Marathon County Landfill (available for Marathon and Shawano County residents) 1-715-446-3101 x 100 for details about what can be disposed of and to make an appointment for drop-off.

Trash and Recycling pickup 

will be weekly on Tuesday

Residents will be provided with (1) 95 gallon trash tote. All residential trash must be bagged, tied, and fit in the tote provided. Recycling can be placed in residents own container. All recycled items must be rinsed out and caps removed. Cardboard is to be broken down to a 2ft x 3ft in size maximum.

Garbage/recycling needs to be curbside no later than 6:00 am on scheduled pickup day to guarantee pickup. Please place trash tote as indicated in the picture, with the bar and lid opening street side. Recycling needs to be placed NEXT to the trash tote on the same side of the driveway for collection. The collection system will require that the provided cart is mechanically picked up and then tipped into the truck.

Residents are required to use provided carts for their household garbage and household recycling. Each household is allowed one cart of trash per week. (Must be bagged/tied and the cart cover must close).

Do not put any garbage in the cart that is not bagged and tied. Use only clear or
white trash bags. NO black or Brown bags allowed. No garbage stored outside the cart will be collected. All trash must fit in cart provided with the lid closed. Do not place anything on top of the carts.

Place your cart(s) to maintain a (3) foot separation from obstructions, including other carts, mailboxes, parked cars, trees and snow banks Additional garbage totes are available for rent for a fee of $75.00 per year. These totes are the property of Harter’s, for tote repair or rental of additional totes; please call (715) 253-2619 or (888) 804-8556. In the event you relocate, these carts are to stay with the property.

Holiday collection will be delayed one day, if the Holiday is on a weekday, for the following Holidays. Holidays are New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

Large Household items will be collected every other week, on Wednesday, at the expense of the resident. Pricing for these large household items are as follows Furniture (i.e. couch, table, dresser, bed frame, mattress, box spring, bike, push mower(no gas/oil), toilet, sink) $50 each. Non-Freon Appliances (i.e. stove, microwave, washer, dryer, compactor, dishwasher, humidifier, water heater, water conditioner) will be $50.00 per item and Freon Appliances (i.e. refrigerator, dehumidifier, freezer) will be $85.00 per item.  No electronic items will be picked up.

Residents are to call Harter’s at (715) 446-5400 to schedule their large item pick up, payment is required before pick-up.

Recycling Information

The following items may be mixed together:
Plastics: #1 thru #7 soft drink and water bottles, beer bottles, mouthwash, milk, water and juice containers, trash and retail bags, liquid detergent bottles, yogurt and margarine tubs, cereal box liners. All containers must be rinsed out and caps removed.

Glass: Any food or beverage type glass container is 100% recyclable. Was out the container, remove (if possible) the metal or plastic caps and rings.

Steel Cans: All metal food cans are recyclable. Rinse containers.

Aluminum: All beverage cans are recyclable. Rinse container and flatten. Clean aluminum trays and foil wraps are recyclable. Do not crush cans

Cardboard: All non-waxed cardboard is recyclable. Flatten all boxes to 3x3 or smaller and bind them together.

Paper: All types of dry clean paper are accepted. Bundle all types of paper together or place them in grocery bags, blue or clear plastic bags, or cardboard boxes.

Recyclable paper includes: Newspaper, Magazines, Telephone books, Catalogs, Office paper, Junk mail, Cereal boxes, other paper board boxes and waxed paperboard boxes.

Unacceptable paper includes: Paper Towels, Tissue paper, Waxed paper, and any other paper contaminated with food, grease or oil.